Trevor Parscal wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
>> You say that as though this were obvious and uncontroversial.  The reason
>> why we've been dancing around this issue is because it is not.
>> Right now, we have a system whereby junior developers get to commit whatever
>> they want, whenever they want.  Under the system you outline, the only
>> remedy we have to the problem of falling behind is to throw more senior
>> developer time at the problem, no matter how ill-advised or low-priority the
>> changes the junior developers are making.  Taken to an extreme, this means
>> that junior developers maintain complete control over the direction of
>> MediaWiki, with the senior developers there purely in a subservient role of
>> approving/rejecting code as it comes in.
>> What comes of this system should be obvious: senior developer burnout.  If
>> only reward we offer for becoming an experienced developer is less
>> interesting work with less power over day-to-day work, we're not going to
>> attract and retain people in senior positions.
>> To be clear, none of the developers in WMF's General Engineering group have
>> been pulled off of code review.  However, not all of the WMF's senior staff
>> are part of GenEng.
>> Rob
> I must whole-heartedly agree with RobLa here. For quite some time we had 2 
> reviewers, then just 1. Naturally unreviewed revisions started to pile up, so 
> we assigned more of our developers to perform code review. This got us out 
> from under a ridiculous backlog and get 1.17 out into the wild, but in the 
> process very little else got done.
> It's important that we all work together on features, not just the junior 
> people only to get a "pass" or "fail" from the senior people.
> - Trevor

That means that there aren't enough developers so that review could be
handled without doing it full-time. Which is a big problem (senior
developer burnout, need for a code freeze, senior devs not available for
doing Real Code...).

Which lead us to the old issue of how to clone senior developers ;)

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