On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Rob Lanphier <ro...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Right now, we have a system whereby junior developers get to commit whatever
> they want, whenever they want.  Under the system you outline, the only
> remedy we have to the problem of falling behind is to throw more senior
> developer time at the problem, no matter how ill-advised or low-priority the
> changes the junior developers are making.  Taken to an extreme, this means
> that junior developers maintain complete control over the direction of
> MediaWiki, with the senior developers there purely in a subservient role of
> approving/rejecting code as it comes in.

If you let months and months of code review pile up, then yes, people
will have to do code review full-time to catch up.  But if you review
all code as it comes in, and you have a sensibly large pool of
reviewers, no one person will have to spend more than a moderate
amount of their time (much less than half) reviewing code.  You don't
have to limit review to only really senior people -- most developers
should be competent enough to review patches to code they wrote, for

Reviewing code normally takes *much* less time than writing it.  If
reviewing code takes a fifth the time that writing it does, then any
volunteer-submitted code is available for Wikimedia use at one-fifth
the regular cost.  Even if it's something Wikimedia wouldn't normally
have devoted resources to develop, it's likely to at least be worth
the resources to review.  Code that's entirely useless to Wikimedia is
usually going to be code that doesn't run on Wikimedia sites, which
doesn't need to be reviewed at all.  Plus you get the benefit of using
volunteers as a sort unpaid interns, whom you can later decide to

Really, though, this is a matter of fact, not opinion.  What reason do
you have to believe that code review will actually take up so much
time?  Lots of projects accept volunteer contributions and ensure they
get promptly reviewed, like Mozilla, WebKit, and Chromium.  It works
well for them; why not for us?  It's not like Google is interested in
paying expert developers to waste all their time reviewing useless
contributions to Chromium, or likewise for any similar project.  For
instance, as one data point, how many developer-hours were needed to
clear each week of commit backlog?  It must be a lot less than forty
times the number of developers assigned to it, or you wouldn't have
been able to clear the backlog at all.

> What comes of this system should be obvious: senior developer burnout.  If
> only reward we offer for becoming an experienced developer is less
> interesting work with less power over day-to-day work, we're not going to
> attract and retain people in senior positions.

If particular developers dislike code review, they can be given less
code review to do and more coding.  It's also not necessary to assign
only the most senior developers to code review.  The workload should
be distributed in whatever way makes sense.

But really, if the problem is that it's the senior developers who
don't want to review code, then I agree, that's a problem.  Is that
the case?  The post by Tim Starling that I referred to suggested that
he felt experienced developers should be assigned to do more code
review than they are, and that it was management that wanted to
de-prioritize it rather than the reviewers themselves.  Roan and Brion
have also both stated pretty clearly that they want to see a return to
prompt review and regular deployment.  That's three senior developers
right there.  Which are the ones you're afraid will burn out?

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Trevor Parscal <tpars...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> I must whole-heartedly agree with RobLa here. For quite some time we had 2 
> reviewers, then just 1. Naturally unreviewed revisions started to pile up, so 
> we assigned more of our developers to perform code review. This got us out 
> from under a ridiculous backlog and get 1.17 out into the wild, but in the 
> process very little else got done.
> It's important that we all work together on features, not just the junior 
> people only to get a "pass" or "fail" from the senior people.

Of course very little will get done if you let a huge backlog
accumulate.  If you review code on a regular, sustainable basis, there
will be plenty of time to do other things, especially if reviewers are
judicious in rejecting patches that they think are too difficult to
review for the benefit.  Put another way, the fact that paid
developers could clear out a year's backlog working more or less
full-time for much less than a year demonstrates that to keep up with
regular review would require much less than full-time work.

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