On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Magnus Manske
<magnusman...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Yes, it doesn't do template/variable replacing, and it's probably full
> of corner cases that break; OTOH, it's JavaScript running in a
> browser, which should make it much slower than a dedicated server
> setup running precompiled PHP.

To the contrary, I'd expect JavaScript in the most recent version of
any browser (even IE) to be *much* faster than PHP, maybe ten times
faster on real-world tasks.  All browsers now use JIT compilation for
JavaScript, and have been competing intensively on raw JavaScript
speed for the last three years or so.  There are no drop-in
alternative PHP implementations, so PHP is happy sticking with a
ridiculously slow interpreter forever.

Alioth's language benchmarks show JavaScript in Chrome's V8 (they
don't say what version) as being at least eight times faster than PHP
on most of its benchmarks, although it's slower on two:


Obviously not very scientific, but it gives you an idea.

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