On 18/05/11 00:44, K. Peachey wrote:
> Because we don't like it, If a bug is open and awaiting information it
> should be OPEN, not RESOLVED LATER dashed away where no one will ever
> look at it again, most people don't like having later enabled either

That is why there is an UNCONFIRMED state.  Once the bug got confirmed 
and has enough information, it will be made NEW.

It map very well to organisation having several levels of support. The 
first level being the call center which can have bug confirmed with the 
customer / in lab: unconfirm -> new, and then confirm bug closing once 
QA verified it (verified -> closed).

We are not using all those steps though.  So we merely make them 
disappear by marking them resolved. The original opener can still reopen 
it, another user will just open a new bug which is not a big deal.

Ashar Voultoiz

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