Hi all!

Ask you may know, there will be an "Ask the Developers" panel at Wikimania.
However, there are no developers to ask, yet :)  To make this work, we need a
few lead WMF developers on the stage, ready to answer questions. So please let
me know if you would be willing to do that, or tell me who I could ask to take
part in the panel.

In any case I want to invite all developers to be there at least in the
audience, so specific questions can be answered directly by someone working on
that topic. Originally, this sessions was planned as a "fish bowl" type
discussion on Danes' suggestion, which would remove the distinction between
panelists and audience. But since she won't be there and I don't have any
experience with that kind of thing, it's going to be a regular panel.

The session is scheduled in the block starting on 10:15 on Friday. Shortly
before that, Guillome has his "Wikimedia technical staff vs. the_World" -
perhaps we could arrange to combine or rather links these two events? Have the
"ask the devs" basically as the discussion round to "staff vs. world"? What do
you think?

See you in Haifa, hopefully for the Hacking Days already....

-- daniel

* http://wikimania2011.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Ask_the_Developers


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