Hi all,

I would like to notice that I am now working on rewrite of mw-bot,
called wm-bot (wikimedia bot - it's supposed to serve in various
wikimedia chans), the bot now is supporting exactly same functions as
mw bot + some more, and I think it would be good if we replaced
current mw-bot in future at some point. The reasons are:

- Old bot is written in java and nearly no one has access to source
code, neither is managing it, the bot is still running without
problems rather thanks to original creator who did a great work and
made a very stable code, extending the bot with more features could be

- New bot is in svn (tools/wmib) so that anyone can participate on
development and even on operation of the bot

- New bot is running on wmf labs so that it should be running on more
stable server with better connectivity and also is better accessible
for others, because apart of toolsever it's no problem to give acess
to service user account to more devs (anyone with svn account can get
access there) so that more people can operate the bot and patch it.

I converted current database and it's running in #mediawiki-move so
that you can try various commands like (!mediawiki !b <id>), any
feedback on this whole idea and bot is welcome also please before you
start commiting changes to source code, keep in mind that I now work
on splitting it to more files so that we avoid conflicts when
commiting changes, it should be done by today.


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