Hi Daniel,

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 09:59:19PM +0200, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> * MediaWikiTestCase will notice this group and use temporary tables instead of
> the wiki database's actual tables. The temporary tables are re-created for 
> every
> test. This protected the wiki from modifications through test cases, and
> isolates test. So far, so good.

The picture you're painting here is a bit too pessimistic ...
... performance-wise.

The tables are /not/ recreated for each test. Run for example the
tests in the maintenance subdirectory. 119 tests. 23 database
tests. But MediaWikiTestCase::initDB is called just /once/.
(Using MySQL backend)

However, the tables' data (a single user, and a single page with a
single revision) is re-injected for each test---but without removing
the data first.

And as a matter of fact, (currently) nothing in the way database unit
tests work isolates the database to a single test. (At least for MySQL)
everything happens on the very same database connection.
To properly isolate (at least table-wise), you'll have to use the
MediaWikiTestCase::tablesUsed array. :-(

But none the less. You are right: Yes, the current situation towards
Database tests is sub-optimal ;-)

> [ Fighting unit test slowness by separate read-only Database tests ]
> What do you think? Is this feasible?

While you're approach is certainly feasible, I am not too sure whether
your approach will cut off much run time.

Of the ~950 Database tests:
 ~70 do not carry out SQL Statements [1] (Most of them probably
     could be treated with or without your approach)
 ~30 carry out at least one read, but no writes [1] (obviously,
     they benefit from your approach)
~850 tests would have to be inspected by hand whether they can benefit
     from your approach. And one would have to merge their data into a
     /single/ fixture :-(

Note however, that of those ~950 Database tests, ~700 are parser
tests. So gaining considerable speed depends on the handling of those.

Maybe attacking those parser tests directly will solve the
database-caused performance problem for you without going through the
trouble of adding read-only Database tests?

Kind regards,

P.S.: On a related note ... one could think about mocking the database
as a whole for PHPUnit tests. Thereby, one would get rid of
unnecessary database coupling for unit testing, get better
control/detection of side effects, and really solve the database
performance problem for unit tests in one go.

[1] In addDBData / the test function itself.

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
                           Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
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                             Homepage: http://quelltextlich.at/

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