Hi Chris,

On Mon, Jul 02, 2012 at 09:40:52AM -0600, Chris McMahon wrote:
> * at least one test relies on a hard-coded path to a file on disk

I guess you fixed that already or filed a bug, so it's taken care of.

> * there is a global timeout variable used by a number of tests settable (I
> think to 1s, 10s, 60s). (As opposed to for example, polling for a
> particular state from within the test itself)

We are still talking about plain PHP /unit/ tests?
And we are furthermore not talking about self shimming?

If so, I somewhat fail to see your point.

Those lightweight timeouts are typically a good fit for CI, without
affecting human users, as plain PHPUnit ignores those timeouts [1].

Could you elaborate on how/why the heavy lifting of “polling for a
particular state from within the test itself” better fits unit tests?

> PS It would be great to see some of this information on
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:PHP_unit_testing which is pretty spare
> right now.

Be bold ;-)

Kind regards,

[1] Only after additionally installing PHP_Invoker, PHPUnit /can/ (but
need not) enforce the timeouts. But even when using distributions that
package PHPUnit with PHP_Invoker, the user can choose to omit checking
for the timeouts.

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
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