On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:30 PM, Subramanya Sastry <ssas...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> One thing I just noticed when looking at the git history via gitk (on
> Ubuntu) is that the history looks totally spaghetti and it is hard to make
> sense of the history.  This seems to have happened since the switch to git
> and post-commit review workflow.  It might be worth considering this as
> well.  git pull --rebase (which I assume is being used) usually helps
> eliminate noisy merge commits, but I suspect something else is going on --
> post-review commit might be one reason.  Is this something that is worth
> fixing and can be fixed?  Is there some gerrit config that lets gerrit
> rebase before merge to let fast-forwarding and eliminate noisy merges?
Yes, this can be configured in Gerrit on a per-repo basis. I seem to
recall we had a reason for not enabling this but I don't remember that
discussion very well or whether it took place at all.


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