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Subject: [FOSDEM] FOSDEM calls for devroom organizers and main track speakers
From:    "Tias Guns" <>
Date:    Sun, August 12, 2012 14:40
To:      "Fosdem Announce" <>

<<< help spread the word and make FOSDEM awesome >>>

FOSDEM is a non-commercial event offering open source communities a
place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. It is renowned for being
highly developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over
the world. FOSDEM will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 2nd and
3rd of February 2013.

We invite proposals for *devrooms* and *main track talks*:

*Main Track Talks*
The main tracks host high-quality seminars for a broad and technical
audience. Every track is organized around a theme (security, kernel,
collaboration, ...). They are held in the two biggest auditoria and last
50 minutes. Each of the talks is given by a speaker who gets their
travel and accommodation costs reimbursed.

To apply for a FOSDEM Main Track talk, visit

To suggest a main track speaker that we should invite, mail

A devroom is a 'developer room' in which open source communities can
organize their own schedule, made of presentations, brainstorming and
hacking sessions. Our goal is to stimulate developer collaboration and
cross-pollination between projects.

Each year we receive more requests than we can host. To better achieve
our goals, preference will be given to *proposals involving multiple,
collaborating projects*. Projects with similar goals/domains that make
separate requests will be asked to co-organize a devroom under their
common theme.

To propose organizing a devroom, visit

Note! Linux distributions should apply to the dedicated distribution

*Key Dates*
- 1 October: deadline for devroom proposals
- mid October: devroom announcements
- 1 November: deadline main track proposals
- mid November: main track announcements
- 2 and 3 February: FOSDEM 2013

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