On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Derric Atzrott
<datzr...@alizeepathology.com> wrote:
>>This may help:
> Not quite my issue as I don't have HTML emails turned on.
>>You seem to be writing the messages for cutting at 80 characters per line,
> but be actually sent cutting at 74 or so. The first are treated as hard
> breaks, so there are two breaks, one at 74 characters and another one at
> what would have been 80, thus producing lonely words.
>>I also suspect of Outlook for causing hthis, but know little on how to fix.
> See if you have some option to reduce the line length.
> I agree that this seems to be an Outlook issue.  If I don't hand break my
> lines, Outlook does it for me it seems (see the last message I posted for an
> example).  I'll count how many characters it breaks at and break there by
> hand in the future so that I continue to get > at the beginning of all
> quoted lines.

Or install vim, copy from outlook to vim, :set tw=70, use `gqq` as
needed, copy back.


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