Hello everyone,

This is one of my major updates regarding my GSoC project (named
ConventionExtension), which I have been working on for about three months
now. This project has come a long way and it has reached a point where a
lot about it can be shared with others. Since I don't post that often in
this list I would like to make this post a long one, and talk about the
status of my extension and where its headed in the coming weeks. Some of
the features which were part of my timeline for GSoC but were not completed
are put under the section "Things yet to be done" along with the other
features that I would be working on in the upcoming weeks.

*1. Completed Features*
1. Dashboard Page (more features are likely to be added depending upon the
feedback I gather from the people who have set up conferences on their wiki
in the past)
2. Author Registration Page
3. Conference Setup Page
4. Backend (DB) for storing the conference details
5. The basic architecture of the extension:

  5.a) Model classes - encapsulating the basic objects required for this
  5.b) Api Module --  for interacting with ajax calls from the client
  5.c) Util classes
  5.d) Templates -- classes exending QuickTemplate class, providing a basic
layout for Dashboard and Author Register pages
  5.e) UI classes - classes extending SpecialPage class (Dashboard,
AuthorRegister and ConferenceSetup pages)
  5.f) JS + CSS resource modules

6. Parser tags, Magic Words (Variables) and a parser function
 parser tags --> <conference>, <page>, <account>,
<registration>,<passport>,<author>,<submission>,<event>,<organizer> and


  parser function --> {{#cvext-page-link}}
7. Sidebar modification (added some new portals for the conference)
8. Schedule Template System - which automates the process of creating a
schedule for the conference, as new locations and events are added to the
9. Content Pages - these are the default set of pages that are created for
the conference by the extension (Note : these are just like any other wiki
pages whose content can be modified using the wiki interface)

*2. Things yet to be done !*
1. *DB rollback implementation in most of my model classes
2. *Account Setup Page (for registration of users)
3. *Modification of User pages for displaying content related to the
3. Organizer management module (most part of it is already implemented in
the basic architecture, just some additions needed regarding the
permissions and rights for this group)
4. Payment Gateway
5. Support for languages other than English
6. Some more parser functions and variables which would help in editing the
content pages of the conference

* - These features were not completed during the GSoC period.

I really enjoyed my experience of working with such a vibrant community
over this summer, especially thankful to all the people who helped me out
in the IRC channel may it be regarding the setting up of labs, or helping
me out with the localisation issues, or even suggesting me come up with a
better feature than what I had already implemented. Other community fellows
who reviewed my big chunks of code,  many issues which I very easily missed
were pointed out with a proper explanation of what needs to be done, have
helped me a great deal in improving it. And finally I would like to thank
Sumana and Greg for managing this program so well, and my mentor Jure
Kajzer for his unmatched support and guidance throughout the summer.

Some important links:
Proposal Page -
Gerrit changesets -
Extension Page - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ConventionExtension

Suggestions are always welcome !
Akshay Chugh
skype- chughakshay16
irc - chughakshay16(#mediawiki)
[[User:Chughakshay16]] on mediawiki.org
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