Hello Peachey,

Honestly I never got into reading any Coding Conventions or style guide
while I was developing code for my extension, but I have been going through
them for the past couple of weeks and have been fixing those style issues
with my code since. Its only a matter of time before all such issues will
be addressed, I am continually working on fixing them. You can go and see
my latest patches where you will get a sense of all those issues being
taken care into account.
I have kept a todo list of all such comments which were posted in my
changesets, so before my code is finally ready to be tested or even reaches
a point of being presentable it will have all such elements that you are
trying to point out here.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 2:54 AM, K. Peachey <p858sn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> During your time in GSoC, what type of things did you mentor explain?
> Because i've had a quick peruse of your gerrit change sets and I know
> they are only minor but I do see a few things that our Coding
> Conventions cover as well as stylize (which is a script that is can be
> run)
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