On 08/11/12 20:00, Chad wrote:
> I don't really like that idea either. How about instead of auto-closing, we
> at least have Gerrit tell BZ a patch was committed/submitted? That would
> save the "I've put a patch in <url>" step, and would prompt people on the
> CC list to possibly close when Gerrit says "Patch <foo> was submitted."
> Gerrit could probably tweak the keywords as well.
> -Chad

It's the bit I like most.
Although the problem is not notifying bugzilla of the new patch, but the
merge. Maybe the bot should fire on merge, and if there was a bug
mentioned in the merged patch and if in that bug one of the last
comments begins with "Fixed in " + a url to the merged change,
automatically leave a message "Change X merged by Foo" and close the bug
as resolved fixed.

Maybe we need a Waiting_merge status in bugzilla.

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