On Nov 26, 2012 9:17 PM, "Luke Welling" <lwelling
wikimedia.org <lwell...@wikimedia.org>> wrote:
> Something that seems to be being partially considered in these models
> is browser shares that are growing or shrinking.
> For instance it would make more sense to me to "support" IE10 than IE7
> even if IE7 has a far greater market share this month.  If significant
> work is needed for IE7, it might have dropped below an age or market
> share threshold before that work is complete.

Under this scheme both would be supported.

> By the same logic, it seems fair that mobile browsers make the list on
> a lower raw market share given that that market is likely to continue
> to grow for some time.
> Putting those rules (particularly for IE) into unambiguous, fair,
> numeric cutoffs may be hard. Predicting future IE market share depends
> a great deal on the vagaries of auto update policies and corporate IT
> departments.  For instance Windows XP users are stuck on IE8 forever
> and there are probably quite a lot of them in corporate America.

As long as IE8 stays over 2% market share (view share, edit share), it
would be supported under this proposal.

I've been thinking about this scheme for a bit now, and I'm starting to see
deficiencies. IMO, for most mobile devices, it makes a lot of sense to
support consuming MediaWiki, but not producing content. Now this could
change in the near future, but currently, editing from my cellphone is just
hell, and that probably has more to do with the android/cellphone
technology stack (large text areas are impossible to work with on Android
browser) than with the MediaWiki stack. We can try all we want to make it a
full experience, but the technology simply isn't up to the goal.

Similarly, I could understand not supporting some cosmetic features for
IE7, as they might in some cases just be too expensive for too little gain.

> Luke Welling
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Tomasz Finc <tfinc 
> <tf...@wikimedia.org>@<tf...@wikimedia.org>
wikimedia.org <tf...@wikimedia.org>> wrote:
> > Correction. I was looking at the total Other/Unknown. Opera is actually
> > 4.66%
> >
> > --tomasz
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Tomasz Finc <tfinc<tf...@wikimedia.org>
@ <tf...@wikimedia.org>wikimedia.org <tf...@wikimedia.org>> wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 12:50 PM, James Forrester <
> >> jforrester <jforres...@wikimedia.org>@ <jforres...@wikimedia.org>
wikimedia.org <jforres...@wikimedia.org>> wrote:
> >>
> >>> … which seems to be a little harsh on the mobile and tablet fronts,
> >>> overly-
> >>> generous on the MSIE side given their exceptional costs to support per
> >>> %age of
> >>> users, but not too terrible.
> >>>
> >>
> >> I worry less about it being harsh and more that it needs to be lined up
> >> with  which documents the mobile teams current support matrix [1].
> >>
> >> Removing Opera support as a general rule is not an option for us as it
> >> contributes a significant amount of readership traffic (6.69%) [2] .
> >>
> >> --tomasz
> >>
> >> [1] - http:// <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile/Testing_process>
www.mediawiki.org <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile/Testing_process>
/wiki/Mobile/ <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile/Testing_process>
Testing_process <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile/Testing_process>
> >> [2] - 
> >> http://<http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportDevices.htm>
> >>
> >>
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