Hi everybody,

I am happy to announce and invite you to the next Wikimedia Bugday:

    Tuesday, January 29th, 17:00-23:00 UTC [1]
       in #wikimedia-dev on Freenode IRC [2]

We are going to take a look at bug reports (excluding enhancement
requests) which have not seen any changes for more than one year, trying
to reproduce some plus provide some feedback. 
Currently these are about 250 tickets (see [3] for the list).

In general, bugdays are about hanging out together on IRC chat,
discussing some reports in the software issues database at
https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org plus introducing interested people to
No technical knowledge needed, no obligations! It's a nice and easy way
to get involved in the community or to give something back.

Step by, say hello, and give it a try! :-)

For more information on Triaging in general, check out

See you around?


[1] Timezone converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
[2] See http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC for more info on IRC chat

Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler

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