On 2013-01-23 3:38 PM, "Jon Robson" <jdlrob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Suggested solution:
> Maybe some kind of voting system might be of use to force some kind of
> consensus rather than leaving problems unsolved. I'm fed up of
> receiving emails about the same problem I discussed weeks before that
> never got solved. It makes my mailbox ill.
> I mean if the question is really what colour is the bikeshed it would
> be good for people to propose colours, people to vote on preferred
> colours and at the end of say a week the majority colour wins and gets
> implemented (or in cases where there is no majority we discuss the
> front runners and other possible solutions).

What colour should the polling booth be?

I don't think the answer is voting. Perhaps there are some sheds that don't
need to be painted.


P.s. if someone built a bikeshed in the wmf office they would be my hero
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