On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Mark A. Hershberger <m...@everybody.org> wrote:
> Getting Jenkins involved in testing isn't the (only) answer, though it
> would certainly help.
> If developers who were interested in those databases could watch
> includes/db, that would help, as well.

The latter is the real problem here. We don't have any people
who are dedicated to supporting these. People show up, say
they want to work on supporting these, then disappear.

Covering all the non-mysql/sqlite we "support":
- DB2 has been unmaintained for ages, and personally I'm in favor
of dropping that one altogether.
- MSSQL would be nice to improve.
- Oracle support's not bad (maybe not perfect), freakolowsy would
know more.
- Postgres support needs major work. There's a lot of inconsistencies
between PG and the other backends (especially for install/upgrade).
There *are* people here who care about PG.


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