On 02/25/2013 10:40 AM, Chad wrote:
> Covering all the non-mysql/sqlite we "support":
> - DB2 has been unmaintained for ages, and personally I'm in favor
> of dropping that one altogether.
> - MSSQL would be nice to improve.
> - Oracle support's not bad (maybe not perfect), freakolowsy would
> know more.
> - Postgres support needs major work. There's a lot of inconsistencies
> between PG and the other backends (especially for install/upgrade).
> There *are* people here who care about PG.

This pretty much mirrors my thinking as well.

Microsoft has been very helpful in the past year by funding some of the
Azure support and MSSQL seems like a natural fit there.  I think we
could get an instance on Azure to help test if we could fit that into
Jenkins somehow.

Other than that, I can only add my +1 to dropping DB2 support.  I don't
know of it being used anywhere.


There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.
   -- Mahatma Gandhi, "Non-Violence in Peace and War"

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