On Sat, 02 Mar 2013 21:17:29 +0100, Tim Landscheidt <t...@tim-landscheidt.de> 

As I wrote at
this can be easily re-streamlined with a merge driver.  As
release notes for MediaWiki are probably mostly additions,
it shouldn't be too hard to cover the common cases, and we
certainly don't have the ambition to do text analysis in C,
but can settle for Perl (or Python or even PHP :-)) instead.

I wrote a very simple one some time ago, in Ruby. 

It doesn't really work. There are enough changes that are not simple additions 
that it solves no more than about 30% conflics for me. Maybe that rate could be 
improved using, like, a real algorithm for merging; but the naive solution 
doesn't really work.

Matma Rex

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