Yuri Astrakhan <yuriastrak...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> As I wrote at

>> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Git/Workflow#Release_notes_conflicts_20763
>> ,
>> this can be easily re-streamlined with a merge driver.  As
>> release notes for MediaWiki are probably mostly additions,
>> it shouldn't be too hard to cover the common cases, and we
>> certainly don't have the ambition to do text analysis in C,
>> but can settle for Perl (or Python or even PHP :-)) instead.

>> Tim, it would be great if this worked on the gerrit side, but apparently
> it has to be implemented in java in order to work with the gerrit server
> (at least that's what i was told). Implementing a core gerrit feature like
> that might be a bit more resource intensive than having a simple bot... (?)

Apparently, this is really not possible.  Gerrit seems to
use JGit for the basic stuff, and merge drivers aren't part
of that.  NIH sucks.

Bartosz Dziewoński <matma....@gmail.com> wrote:

>> As I wrote at
>> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Git/Workflow#Release_notes_conflicts_20763,
>> this can be easily re-streamlined with a merge driver.  As
>> release notes for MediaWiki are probably mostly additions,
>> it shouldn't be too hard to cover the common cases, and we
>> certainly don't have the ambition to do text analysis in C,
>> but can settle for Perl (or Python or even PHP :-)) instead.

> I wrote a very simple one some time ago, in Ruby. 
> https://github.com/MatmaRex/mediawikireleasenotes-driver

> It doesn't really work. There are enough changes that are not simple 
> additions that it solves no more than about 30% conflics for me. Maybe that 
> rate could be improved using, like, a real algorithm for merging; but the 
> naive solution doesn't really work.

Ah, actual, running code! :-)  30 % isn't that bad for about
ten (!) lines.  And it helps developers as it means rebases
might still be necessary, but can be automated in 30 % of
the times without manual intervention.

Let's add your driver to
I think it's probably preferable to have a separate file for
the driver itself and manual installation instructions as
otherwise people will just complain
"mediawikireleasenotes-driver-installer.sh didn't work for
my setup!!11!", but that's no blocker.


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