I strongly disagree that Gerrit is harder to learn than Github. The only
difficult thing to understand is the web UI, which takes only a few minutes
to really get used to. Let's look at the biggest complaints:

   - Submitting patchsets is hard - Install git-review and then just
   replace the git push command with git review. If anything, this is
   significantly easier than Github, which requires forking, cloning, pushing,
   and pull requesting.
   - Developers don't understand rebasing - This is not a Gerrit thing.
   Rebasing in Git is an essential feature that anybody who uses Git should
   know how to use, even if on Github. Why? Because git-rebase is the only way
   to submit a change in a way that it can be merged without conflicts. If you
   submit a pull request on Github without rebasing first, you're just putting
   work onto the maintainer to resolve your merge conflicts, possibly
   resulting in a breakage on master.
   - Registration - The only thing that is probably a problem. We need to
   make Gerrit registration easier.

The point I'm trying to make is that the problems with Gerrit are not
problems with Gerrit, but actually problems with Git itself. If you can't
handle the basics of Gerrit, it's because you don't know how to use Git.
And at that point I don't see how GitHub is going to make things that much
easier anyway.

*Tyler Romeo*
Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2015
Major in Computer Science
www.whizkidztech.com | tylerro...@gmail.com
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