Answered Inline. Also, I apologize as I think my email was slightly
off-topic to Ori's question.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Matthew Flaschen

> PHPMyAdmin also has major security issues.  It isn't allowed on
>  Wikimedia Labs and probably shouldn't be used here.  Why does SQLite
> need to be installed exactly?

Matthew, we are talking about a developer's virtual machine that has no
network connection to anything except the developer's machine itself, and
used purely for development. MySql could be accessed through the network if
I have the local tools, but if we are talking about the lowest barrier of
entry, the novice could follow a few steps to get VM and edit code with
anything including notepad, while the VM would have most of the tools to
examine and experiment with MediaWiki. BTW, samba would also be a massive
security hole - I set mine up to share / with no password root access (no
network, no issues)

SQLite is needed because the dev server test with SQLite, and I personally
got burnt by their difference (unit tests passed in mysql but not in sqlite
due to a bug in the testing framework). This unit
test<> still

> > * DEBUG <== that's a big one, setting it up for easy nobrainer debugging
> > would be a great help. Including CLI -- i'm having hard time debugging
> unit
> > tests.
> PHP Unit tests, or QUnit?

I think both would be good (I only used phpunit so far).
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