On 03/22/2013 07:16 AM, Platonides wrote:
> APC can do two things:
> 1) Keep the compiled php opcodes, so php execution is faster.
> 2) Allow the application to store values in the web server memory (kept
> accross requests).
> ZendOptimizer only does 1. [...]
> The «APC  is a "must have" for larger MediaWikis» is due to 1. In fact,
> wikimedia is not using APC for 2, but memcached.

With one exception: a [live hack][1] to use apc_inc() instead of rand()
to generate a 32-bit TRANS-ID for HTCP cache purging.

Why is this hack in place? Is it particularly useful for [monitoring
packet loss][2]?



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