Am 22.03.2013 12:16, schrieb Platonides:
> Trying to clarify:
> APC can do two things:
> 1) Keep the compiled php opcodes, so php execution is faster.
> 2) Allow the application to store values in the web server memory (kept
> accross requests).
> ZendOptimizer only does 1.
> MediaWiki only needs to be changed for 2, since 1 is done automatically
> by all php opcode cache.
> You can't use 2 once you have several servers. An alternative for 2 is
> to use memcached or another cache that allows to be accessed from
> multiple servers.
> The «APC  is a "must have" for larger MediaWikis» is due to 1. In fact,
> wikimedia is not using APC for 2, but memcached.

thanks for your clarification (for me, this was almost clear, but it's
often difficult for me to explain exactly what I want).
Your last info is perfect, should also go the mentioned mediaWiki pages.

My user story:

As an admin, when I upgrade my PHP from 5.3.x to PHP 5.4.x,
and when I cannot or do not want make use of APC because this is not
working with PHP 5.4.x.
and when I have successfully compiled the present ZendOptimizerPlus from
and when I have successfully compiled the present PHP 5.4.x from
and when I have successfully made the necessary changes in php.ini
and php runs with it,

I have to change CACHE_ACCEL to CACHE_NONE in my LocalSettings.php,
and will still enjoy opcode caching by ZendOptimizerPlus,
but have no memory cache - currently.

Is this correct ?
Can the setup be improved, and how ?

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