
Thank you all for the comments in gerrit. I worked on all of them and I think the extension is much better by now. It would be great if you could have a second look on the extension to get it deployable sometime.

I realized, that the time was too short for a whole review and changed the plans for my thesis, I removed the real-world testings from the study design.

I really want to see a convenient feedback mechanism for future mediawiki developments. I hope that my extension could be a good start. There are some unanswered questions, such as the anonymous upload of the rendered screen shots, and room for improvement especially at the customizability of the feedback forms and the special page with all given feedback.

kind regards
  Lukas Benedix

Am Mi 13.03.2013 01:28, schrieb Sumana Harihareswara:
On 03/12/2013 07:37 PM, Lukas Benedix wrote:
Hi there!

I am Lukas Benedix, a student of computer science at the Freie Universität
Berlin in Germany. In cooperation with the Wikidata developer team, I’m
currently working on my bachelor thesis about usability testing in open
source software projects and I’d like to provide the Wikidata community my
developed feedback mechanisms (only as a test). Wikidata is a very active,
emerging project which is why I think it’s a great platform for my

And now here's the problem: The deadline of my bachelor thesis is
approaching soon. The test is designed to run for two weeks and I
unfortunately underestimated how much time it needs to get a review for my
extension before deployment.

Is it possible to accelerate that review process somehow? The extension is
in gerrit (https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/50004)

Do you have any advice what I can do?

For further information about my project: Here's a little description I
wrote for the Wikidata community:

Best regards,
Lukas Benedix
Lukas, can you give more specifics regarding your deadline?  A variety
of people would have to help you get through all the steps of
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Writing_an_extension_for_deployment and
so it might not be feasible to get all these things done in time. :(  In
that case you should possibly consider setting up a Wikidata variant in
Wikimedia Labs -- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/ .

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