On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 4:57 AM, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As I noted, the continued bikeshedding while we wait on the actual
> lawyer is a waste of bytes and of people's attention.

Then stop replying. Mute this thread. Seriously, if you think a discussion
is not worthwhile or is not in alignment with your interests, then all you
have to do is ignore it. Meanwhile, other people will continue to spend
their time worrying about whether MediaWiki is violating copyright law or
not. Because it's straight up obnoxious to come into a thread and undermine
a topic people care about by calling it "a waste of bytes and people's
attention". If it were really a waste, why would people still be
contributing to the thread?

Also, you should seriously look up the definition of the work bikeshedding.
It's the theory that organizations give undue weight to trivial issues. I
don't see how this is at all a trivial issue. MediaWiki is violating the
license of third party tools it uses. Maybe you think that's trivial, but I
and others have a different opinion.

And one more thing, it doesn't take a lawyer to read the GPL. Would you
consult a lawyer before determining if robbery is illegal? No, because
sometimes the law is damn obvious and doesn't need to be interpreted by

*-- *
*Tyler Romeo*
Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2015
Major in Computer Science
www.whizkidztech.com | tylerro...@gmail.com
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