On 26.04.2013 5:02, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 04/25/2013 08:40 PM, Brian Wolff wrote:
I would say we shouldn't document unless we habe a vauge idea why.
Agreed.  But I was basing this on reports from people who were using
XAMPP, not my lame attempts.  Still, I haven't tried to reproduce the
XAMPP issue, either.

For now, I suppose this is just something to make a mental note of until
the problem becomes more real.

Instead of
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

httpd 2.4 uses
Require all granted

RewriteLog /var/www/host/logs/rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 3
also is not supported

LogLevel warn rewrite:trace8
should be used instead.

I briefly run through the documentation and it seems that rewrite rules and condition processing become a bit nginx-like (seems they were aware that nginx increased it's presense). However, I remember wikimedia was running something old like htpd 1.3 and also some local admins recommended it as fastest approach. I personally run nginx/php-fpm, even though it's unsupported (no IE6 workaround). However I do not care about IE6.

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