On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Ilya Grigorik <igrigo...@google.com> wrote:

> +asher (woops, forgot to cc :))
> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Ilya Grigorik <igrigo...@google.com>wrote:
>> Anyway, I've already started working on something I noticed in
>> mod_pagespeed - a much better JS minification, expect updates soon:)
> Not to discourage you from doing so.. but JS minification is not the
> problem. In fact, if you look at the 
> side<http://www.webpagetest.org/breakdown.php?test=130715_82_3c03a9eb9339dcf8d3e82ed43ad2998d&run=3&cached=0>by
> side<http://www.webpagetest.org/breakdown.php?test=130715_VZ_7748042f6f940ec663a43130cd597eee&run=4&cached=0>content
>  breakdown of the original and MPS optimized sites, you'll notice
> that MPS is loading 3kb more of JS (because we add some of our own logic).
> We're not talking about applying missing gzip or minification.. To make
> the site mobile friendly, we're talking about structural changes to the
> page: eliminating blocking javascript code, inlining critical CSS to
> unblock first render, deferring other assets to after the above-the-fold is
> loaded, and so on. Those are the parts that MPS automates - the 
> filmstrip<http://www.webpagetest.org/video/compare.php?tests=130715_82_3c03a9eb9339dcf8d3e82ed43ad2998d-l%3Aoriginal-r%3A3%2C130715_VZ_7748042f6f940ec663a43130cd597eee-l%3Amps-r%3A4%2C%2C%2C%2C&thumbSize=100&ival=100&end=visual>should
>  speak for itself. (Note that filmstrip shows first render at 2s,
> instead of 1.6, due how how the frames are captured on mobile devices in
> WPT).

These are the points I was trying to highlight from your presentation :)
While there's room for further optimization after, inlining above the fold
css and deferring everything else including additional content seem like
immediate gains we could start working on.  The mobile dev team has already
put work into being able to serve above the fold plus section headers in an
initial request - we just need to make some changes to how we assemble
pages to support inlining required css/js for this view, and separating out
the rest.  I think this can and should be delivered by mediawiki /
resourceloader / mobilefrontend by design, instead of via mps however.

As Max noted, this would require an additional varnish cache split, varying
between devices that support this and those that don't.  But the
performance gain for supported devices should fully justify it, and we just
invested in additional frontend cache capacity for mobile.

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