Tyler Romeo wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 9:35 PM, James Forrester 
> <jforres...@wikimedia.org>wrote:
>> Each added preference adds to the complexity of our software -
>> so increasing the cost and slowness of development and testing,
>> and the difficulty of user support.
> Stop being so dramatic. This is clearly false.
>> Creating such a preference is a lie, and a lie I cannot endorse.
> In conclusion, if you really think lying to the community is so bad, then I
> recommend the VE team stop doing so as well as stop shoving this propaganda
> down the community's throat as if VE is the second coming.

Actually, it would probably help if both sides of this debate
stopped being so dramatic.  No, VE is not the second coming -- of
the deity or the devil.  No, its developers shouldn't be jamming
it down anyone's throats, but I think they do deserve to be at
least a little bit proud of their accomplishment, because as we
know it's been a very highly desired feature for a long time but
has been very difficult to implement.

And on the other side, I don't think people should be calling it
broken or a bad idea or dismissing it as something so repugnant
that they want to ban it from their sight.

Now, don't get me wrong: I'm a low-level kind of guy, who hasn't
used VE and probably never will; matter of fact just yesterday I
was pining for the good old days of text formatting using troff.
But I believe -- and I don't think this is a controversial belief
-- that those of us who prefer markup as opposed to wysiwyg
formatting are in a pretty tiny minority.  Having a whole
preference just so that a handful of people -- power users,
no less! -- can hide one unused feature seems odd, a historical
accident at best.

Here's a thought experiment: if visual editing had existed (with
reasonable functionality) since day 1, would there ever have been
a way to disable it, let alone a hue and cry over a lack of a way
to disable it?

Now, given that it hasn't existed since day 1, a transition to
its existence is bound to be wrenching, but my hunch is that in
a year or two all this consternation (over VE's existence, or
initial bugginess, or lack of disableability) will be pretty much

(Seriously, how hard is it to choose "edit source" if that's what
you want to do?)

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