On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 12:46 PM, rupert THURNER

> Am 15.09.2013 17:13 schrieb "Merlijn van Deen" <valhall...@arctus.nl>:
> ...
> > As you may be aware, the git-review based developer experience on Windows
> > is less than perfect - especially compared to the old TortoiseSVN based
> > workflow.
> Merlijn, as i m not contributing code here but am very interested in
> suitable git workflows, i am a little shy to ask, but what is the main
> disadvantage compared to contributors on linux, and whats the main
> disadvantage compared to subversion?

I believe it's not subversion itself as much as the user-interface of
TortoiseSVN, which lots of people have found easy to use and powerful.

git-review kind of forces you to use the command-line interface to git,
which also tends to be slightly more complicated on Windows than on Linux
because you're kind of smashing together a Unix-like environment and a
Windows-like environment. (ick!) I'm used to git on Linux and OS X, but I'm
still a bit frustrated when I end up having to do some git work on Windows.

GitHub has a nice GUI app for Windows which should make it fairly easy to
send a pull request (which we then bridge straight into gerrit), or folks
may more easily use a different git front-end UI they prefer, if they don't
have to poke git-review directly.

Alternatively, we could try to get git-review type support into some of
those GUI tools...

-- brion
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