On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Dan Andreescu <dandree...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> - Has http://learnboost.github.io/stylus/ been considered? I've heard that
>> it's a good compromise between sass and less (but I haven't played with it
>> myself to see if it really lets you do more compass-like things).
> *Popularity* - does matter; one of the long comment threads on the RFC is
> from a potential contributor who is concerned that LESS makes it harder to
> contribute.  I mostly agree with Jon's and Steven's arguments that LESS is
> pretty easy to learn.  However, I have also heard about a year's worth of
> complaints about Limn being written in Coco instead of pure Javascript.  I
> personally think CSS -> LESS is just as mentally taxing as Javascript ->
> Coco, but I'm objectively in the minority based on the feedback I've
> received.  I'd be cautious here.  You can upcompile CSS into LESS, sure,
> but if a contributor has to understand a complex LESS codebase full of
> mixins and abstractions while debugging the generated CSS in the browser,
> they're right to point out that this requires effort.  And this is effort
> is only increased for more elegant languages like Stylus.

I'm for any compiled-to-css language because I feel they fill a big
gaping hole in css's ability to share code.  That is really compelling
to me.  I haven't been convinced the compiled-to-js languages offer
quite as compelling a value proposition so the analogy to Limn and
Coco is less relevant to me.  I admit I could be wrong about the value
proposition thing but that is how I feel.  I really don't want to
start a language war though.

I'm a Sass fan but I'll take whatever I can get.

I will point out that CSS is valid LESS which could assuage some fears.

Nik Everett

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