Am 17.01.2014 20:08, schrieb Marc A. Pelletier:
> The problem isn't straight up vandalism (IPBE is no help there -- the
> account'd get swiftly blocked) but socking.  POV warriors know how to
> misuse proxies and anonymity to multiply "their" consensus, and having
> IPBE and editing through any sort of anonimizing proxy (including TOR)
> defeats what little means checkuser have to curb socking.
There are (may be) solutions for this and related issues, see:

(book) Peter Wayner "Disappearing Cryptography" Third edition pages 225-227, 
ISBN 978-0-12-374479-1 Chapter 10.7.3 "Stopping Bad user":

"bad users of the onion routing network can ruin the reputation of other users.
The Wikipedia, for instance, often blocks TOR exit nodes complete because some
people have used the network to hide their identities while defacing the wiki's

In the further passages Peter Wayner explains a "one straight-forward solution
is to use some form of certificates with a *blind signature*, a technique that
borrows from some of the early solutions for building anonymous digital cash"
(A typical example with "Alice" follows - must read this).


(article) Tsang, P.P.; Kapadia, A.; Cornelius, C.; Smith, S.W.,
"Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks." 
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol.8, no.2, pp.256-269,
March-April 2011.

I mentioned both in .

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