Am 05.02.2014 23:03, schrieb Brion Vibber:
> Is the 72-byte truncation a general bcrypt problem or specific to
> password_hash()? Any concerns or a non-issue? Note that some non-Latin
> strings can only fit 24 chars in 72 bytes of UTF-8. Long enough for most
> passwords, but some people like passphrases. :)
> -- brion
> recommends to sha256 before
password_hash, but better ask Bruce Schneier:

Yes, BCrypt has an upper limit of 72 characters. It's a limitation by
the Blowfish cipher itself. One way to work around it is by using
SHA-256 first and then BCrypt the result. In your case it would be
something like

hashpw(sha256('pass'), salt)

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