Le 28/02/2014 18:55, Mark Holmquist a écrit :
> marktraceur@midvalley-the-hornfreak:~/projects/wikimedia/integration/jenkins-job-builder$
>  jenkins-jobs --conf etc/jenkins_jobs.ini update config/ 
> 'mwext-MultimediaViewer-do-something'
> INFO:root:Updating jobs in config/ (['mwext-MultimediaViewer-do-something'])
> INFO:jenkins_jobs.builder:Creating jenkins job 
> mwext-MultimediaViewer-do-something
> https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/createItem?name=mwext-MultimediaViewer-do-something
<snip stack trace>
> jenkins.JenkinsException: create[mwext-MultimediaViewer-do-something] failed
> marktraceur@midvalley-the-hornfreak:~/projects/wikimedia/integration/jenkins-job-builder$
> I just made a dummy job - commit here:
> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/116123
> Obviously nothing special, but the issue is in the HTTP request code
> anyway.


Jenkins jobs builder use the python-jenkins module check for the
existence of jobs using a simple GET request:

 GET /ci/job/mwext-MultimediaViewer-do-something/api/json?tree=name

That throws a 404 and JJB then create the job:

 POST /ci/createItem?name=mwext-MultimediaViewer-do-something

python-jenkins then verify the job got created using the GET request
above.  I found out tonight that our misc Varnish caches the 404 error
for up to a minute, and hence the second GET is being served the cached
404 by Varnish.  End result JJB consider the job hasn't been created and
bails out with the above stack trace.

The way to fix it: stop caching 404 on the misc varnish, at least when
using the gallium backend.  There is a cache4xx parameters to the
varnish::instance puppet class. Will have to checkout out with some
Varnish guru how to best fix it.

Meanwhile I am entering sleep() mode..

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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