I feel like I should probably post here about the current Wikibase /
Wikidata deployment pipeline too which probably differs slightly to other

On a per commit basis:
A commit is made, the unit tests run on jenkins, the commit is reviewed,
amended, merged, Jenkins again runs the unit tests as gate submit, Travis
also runs the unit tests post merge testing against php 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and
both sqlite and mysql.

Daily at 10AM UTC:
Our build process is triggered and creates a build for Wikidata, Both the
WMF jenkins and our WMDE jenkins run the unit tests, if both pass we +2CR
and it is merged, this is then deployed straight to beta where our Jenkins
runs all of our Selenium tests, the tests report to the build gerrit commit
depending on their outcome.

Branch Day (even 2 weeks):
Tuesday is generally branch day, we branch the Wikidata repo all the unit
tests and selenium tests are re run, we deploy to test.wikidata, manually
test and on thursday and wikidata.org the following tuesday.

We have very good test coverage which generally makes everything much
easier! I probably missed something of interest above but generally
everything is covered.


On 7 March 2014 19:08, Greg Grossmeier <g...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> <quote name="Jon Robson" date="2014-03-07" time="09:30:09 -0800">
> > Let's also take this into a new thread. There are a lot of different
> > conversations now going on....
> My opinion is that fixing this with policy is going to be hard.
> Either everyone who commits needs to be mindful of what day/time it is
> and whether or not another human has cut the new branch yet (which isn't
> set in stone on when, it varies by a couple hours, depending on a lot of
> factors), OR we modify the branch cut based on some arbitrary offset
> (24 hours ago) or some human looks at the merges and picks a point.
> None of those are ideal/scalable.
> What we should do, however, is have a true "deployment pipeline".
> Briefly defined: A deployment pipeline is a sequence of events that
> increase your confidence in the quality of any particular build/commit
> point.
> A typical example is:
> commit -> unit tests -> integration tests -> manual tests -> release
> Each step has the ability to fail a build, which means "You shall not
> pass!" to that commit point. The earlier you get a "You shall not pass!"
> the better because it means less time waiting by the developers to know
> if what they committed is ok or not.
> What this means for us:
> The Mobile team is actually a good example. They are doing The Right
> Thing and have a lot of tests written, including browser tests. They run
> into problems when, eg: they write a new feature and associated test and
> commit it.
> Beta Cluster gets that code (feature and test) within 5 minutes.
> But, test.wikipedia and en.wikipedia get that feature much later, days
> later.
> However, the test code is run by Jenkins across all environments (beta
> cluster, test.wikipedia, en.wikipedia etc) all the time. So, the mobile
> team gets a ton of false positives when their new test runs against eg
> production where the feature isn't enabled yet (on purpose).
> The QA team is working on this problem now (loosely termed the
> "versioned test problem").
> How a pipeline would help:
> Really, a pipeline isn't a thing like your indoor plumping but more of a
> mindset/way of designing your test infrastructure. But, it means that
> you keep things self-contained (contrary to the mobile example above)
> and things progress through the pipeline in a predicable way/pace.
> It also means that each code commit spends the exact same amount of time
> in the various stages as other code commits. Right now some code sits on
> Beta Cluster for 7 days before hitting production, whereas other code
> spends 0-5 minutes. That's not good.
> Wanna help us on this problem? We're hiring:
> https://hire.jobvite.com/Jobvite/jobvite.aspx?b=nHZ0zmw6
> (2 job openings)
> Greg
> --
> | Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
> | identi.ca: @greg                A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
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