On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Matthew Flaschen <mflasc...@wikimedia.org>

> I did a quick check, and Jigsaw (the W3C's validator) does complain about
> our data URLs on that page:
> http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=https%
> 3A%2F%2Fbits.wikimedia.org%2Fes.wikipedia.org%2Fload.php%
> 3Fdebug%3Dfalse%26lang%3Des%26modules%3Dext.gadget.a-commons-directo%
> 252Cimagenesinfobox%252CrefToolbar%7Cext.uls.nojs%7Cext.visualEditor.
> viewPageTarget.noscript%7Cext.wikihiero%7Cmediawiki.legacy.
> commonPrint%252Cshared%7Cmediawiki.skinning.interface%7Cmediawiki.ui.
> button%7Cskins.vector.styles%26only%3Dstyles%26skin%
> 3Dvector%26*&profile=css3&usermedium=all&warning=1&vextwarning=&lang=en
> -----
>  .filehistory a img, #file img:hover
> Value Error : background url([blahblah]) is an
> incorrect URL url([blahblah]) repeat

The Jigsaw CSS validator complains about any data URL inside url() unless
it's in quotes.  The snippet
.filehistory a img,#file img:hover{
  background:white url(//
passes with the added quotes.

Stackoverflow [1] thinks this a bug in Jigsaw, but regardless why would the
CSS generate bogus requests in a cross-section of browsers?
"some less forgiving browsers" doesn't normally include 60% Firefox 29 and
31% Chrome 35.

If it's only es and pt, I wonder if it's something else in the
bits.wikimedia response that makes the browser try to interpret the charset
in the data URI as other than charset=US-ASCII . I don't know of a charset
that would not interpret these ASCII characters as ASCII.

Besides the other theories advanced, might it be sporadic ResourceLoader

What's the HTTP Referer for these requests, can we tell if it's coming from
an external <link rel > to CSS or CSS a mw.loader.implement() piece of
JavaScript inserting the CSS?

[1] <

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