On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 4:28 AM, Antoine Musso <hashar+...@free.fr> wrote:

> == git submodule ==
> + command already available
> + already used by Wikimedia to handle extensions dependencies in the
>   wmf branches
> + let us review the code
> + ability to patch third parties
> - require to fully clone each repositories

Couldn't you do a shallow clone, if the disk space or bandwidth is a

> - version tracked by git sha1 in .gitmodules instead of a version number
> == composer ==
> + generates autoloader entries
> + has a post install system which could be used to inject settings in
> LocalSettings.php

This could well be a minus if it winds up being done poorly.

+ could be used to handle extensions dependencies
> - depends on upstream to incorporate our patches

Well, we could fork if necessary. Although that's seldom fun.

> - needs to install composer

This is one of my pet peeves. It's one thing to have to install
dependencies to run MediaWiki, but having to install various dependencies
just to *install* it? Ugh!

Composer is a first step. Then there's the proposals floating around to
make various nodejs services be required (which themselves tend to be a
pain because they seem to require dozens of npm packages), which leads to
proposals that MediaWiki require puppet/docker/something like that just to
be installed because of the overly complex interdependencies. I have
nothing against puppet/docker/etc in general, but it seems like overkill
for running a simple MediaWiki installation off of a single host.

- might not be used as-is on Wikimedia cluster

Brad Jorsch (Anomie)
Software Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation
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