On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 12:49 PM, Jon Robson <jdlrob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to run the phpunit tests from inside my host OS though...
> I have pre-commit hook I rely on to run phpunit tests before
> submitting... how can I do that now?
I use a horrible hack, essentially we run the tests from a pre-commit hook
with `make phpunit`, but we redefine make as:

make() {
    if is_vagrant; then
        vagrant ssh -- cd /vagrant/mediawiki/extensions/Flow '&&' sudo su
www-data -c "'make $*'" || exit 1
        /usr/bin/env make $* || exit 1

where the is_vagrant function duplicates the vagrant functionality of
looking at all parent directories for a Vagrantfile

> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Dan Duvall <dduv...@wikimedia.org>
> wrote:
> > Jon,
> >
> > From the looks of it, you may be invoking the tests from your host OS,
> not
> > the Vagrant-managed VM. Trying logging in to the VM using `vagrant ssh`
> and
> > executing the tests from there.
> >
> >   master x ~/git/vagrant $ vagrant ssh
> >   ...
> >   vagrant@mediawiki-vagrant:~$ cd /vagrant/mediawiki/tests/phpunit
> >   vagrant@mediawiki-vagrant:/vagrant/mediawiki/tests/phpunit$ php
> > phpunit.php
> >
> > If you still have problems with it, feel free to come grab me and we can
> > troubleshoot it further.
> >
> > On a related note, I'll be working on improving the mediawiki-vagrant
> > browser tests setup for MobileFrontend in the coming weeks. It'd be great
> > to have you, or someone else on the mobile team, vet the improvements.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Dan
> >
> > --
> > Dan Duvall
> > Automation Engineer
> > Wikimedia Foundation <http://wikimediafoundation.org>
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> --
> Jon Robson
> * http://jonrobson.me.uk
> * https://www.facebook.com/jonrobson
> * @rakugojon
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