On 6/18/14, Kristian Kankainen <krist...@eki.ee> wrote:
> Hello!
> I think, if one is clever enough, some categorization could be automated
> allready.
> Searching for pictures based on meta-data is called "Concept Based Image
> Retrieval", searching based on the machine vision recognized content of
> the image is called "Content Based Image Retrieval".
> What I understood of Lars' request, is an automated way of finding the
> "superfluous" concepts or meta-data for pictures based on their content.
> Of course recognizing an images content is very hard (and subjective),
> but I think it would be possible for many of these "superfluous"
> categories, such as "winter landscape", "summer beach" and perhaps also
> "red flowers" and "bicycle".
> There exist today many open source "Content Based Image Retrieval"
> systems, that I understand basically works in the way that you give them
> a picture, and they find you the "matching" pictures accompanied with a
> score. Now suppose we show a picture with known content (pictures from
> Commons with good meta-data), then we could to a degree of trust find
> pictures with overlapping categories.
> I am not sure whether this kind of automated reverse meta-data labelling
> should be done for only one category per time, or if some kind of
> "category bundles" work better. Probably adjectives and items should be
> compounded (eg "red flowers").
> Relevant articles and links from Wikipedia:
> # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_retrieval
> # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content-based_image_retrieval
> #
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CBIR_engines#CBIR_research_projects.2Fdemos.2Fopen_source_projects
> Best wishes
> Kristian Kankainen
> 18.06.2014 09:14, Pine W kirjutas:
>> Machine vision is definitely getting better with time. We have
>> computer-driven airplanes, computer-driven cars, and computer-driven
>> spacecraft. The computers need us less and less as hardware and software
>> improve. I think it may be less than a decade before machine vision is
>> good
>> enough to categorize most objects in photographs.
>> Pine
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Interesting. Some demo links that I found:

* http://demo-itec.uni-klu.ac.at/liredemo/
* http://image.mdx.ac.uk/time/demo.php
* http://mi-file.isti.cnr.it:8765/CophirSearch/
* http://orpheus.ee.duth.gr/anaktisi/ (not free)
* http://youtu.be/2eaGwk4Xhks

I suppose one integration pathway would be, you do a normal search,
and then from there you can say, find images similar to this search

Of course if I do
, the first result is relavent. But if I plug
into http://demo-itec.uni-klu.ac.at/liredemo/ , the results aren't
really that relavent.


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