Il 21/07/2014 22:20, Jon Robson ha scritto: might be an obvious
place (closest to the action)... although not sure how discoverable.

Do you want to logout everywhere <YES> <NO>
[] Remember this decision

It seems like we could split this into 2 features though in the
interest of getting things done. Right now I'm interested in just
fixing the logout behaviour - in this day and age to many people are
using too many different devices and this experience seems very
The problem is, that users don't really get addicted to our projects.
They should /never/ need to log themselves out. ;-)

But if they want, a single click (or, maybe, a JavaScript popup like Echo's asking whether to logout from all devices) should take them out.
There should be no need for an additional step (i.e. reload the page).
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