Le 16/07/2014 03:52, Jon Robson a écrit :
> (Forked from Re: [Wikitech-l] "Not logged in" page)
> Is it time to revisit this behaviour? It's come up as being a usability
> problem a few times now.
> Currently if I log out of a public computer it logs me out of my tablet
> device,mobile device and home computer. :(
> See bug for reference [1]
> [1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49890


I would use a system similiar to Github or Phabricator.  When you log
out, it only invalidate your current browser session.   Then in you
preference you have a list of all valid sessions which which you can
manually invalidate.

On Github that is under Settings -> Security

That shows me:

== Sessions ==
This is a list of devices that have logged into your account. Revoke any
sessions that you do not recognize.

 Nantes: some IP
 Safari on OS X 10.9.4
 Location: Nantes, France
 Signed in: May 26, 2014

That gives enough information to identify the sessions and invalidate
them if needed.   We could add a tab to Special:Preferences.

An interesting feature on Github is the security history which listnew
sessions and from where I logged on.   Might be worth a look at.

The same goes on for Phabricator, if you are logged in:

Gives me a table such as:

|Identity|Session|Type|Created              |Expires     |
|hashar  |abcdef |web |Apr 29 2014, 7:54 AM |Tue, Aug 19 |      

There are less informations than on Github though.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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