Feedback in a Spanish social news aggregator

Some relevant comments:
- "Brandon is one of the most brilliant persons I ever met, and he brings
us the interface of the future Wikipedia"
- "thanks to this I discovered that there is not only Wikipedia, but also
{{list of sister projects}}. Reading Wikinews now"
- "the interface is WONDERFUL. The design is useful, clean, clear and fast.
- "the discussion page should have a max-width for big screens. I hope they
manage to improve the current chaotic system"
- "biggest problem behind mediawiki is not the interface, but the software
- hard to admin, done by and for old-schoolers and you cannot change their
mind. Just my opinion as sysadmin."
- "the typography of the Spanish wikipedia is terrible, small and hard to
read. The grammar and spelling is even worse"

As a Wikisourceror I also want to thank Brandon for taking sister projects
to the light, there are so many potential readers and contributors that
after ten year don't knew about their existence! And now with Wikidata all
the content is going to be more easily integratable into Wikipedia. Many
readers (but not editors, because they already know about them) are going
to be thankful for this.


On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Quim Gil <> wrote:

> On Tuesday, July 15, 2014, Risker <> wrote:
> > The one thing that comes to my mind is that all the stuff at the right of
> > the screen is what might be called the "bottom matter" from articles.
> > Giving it primary place in an article, well above the majority of content
> > is...well, suboptimal.
> For me it was instant love. It puts the article in its widest context,
> inviting users to discover all what the Wikimedia community is offering
> about that topic. I was even wondering why the categories are not there,
> assuming that they will be in some form in the real prototype/beta.
> > It's at the bottom because it's really not all that
> > important; links to other similar articles and other Wikimedia sites is
> > (I'm going to be honest here) fluff, not content
> Depends on what you are looking for. Readers interested precisely in the
> article at sight and not in its context will not even look at the right
> column after the initial surprise. Just like any news readers go directly
> to the news piece ignoring whatever else is around.
> However, many (most?) users visit Wikipedia with a less precise motivation
> and a wider curiosity about some topic. These are also the users less
> likely to hit the bottom of an article, and less likely to know what & who
> is behind every Wikipedia article.
> > - especially those massive
> > templates that take the place of proper categorization.
> Cause and consequence, perhaps? Maybe those templates became massive as a
> way to call the attention at the bottom of the page, where proper
> categories become almost invisible to the non-trained eye. The prototype
> shows them expanded but they could be minimized by default in the beta
> version. If we go forth with this design, editors will find solutions to
> adapt oversize templates to their new privileged position.
> I'm sure Winter 1.0 can get this part right. While the previous Winter
> features were evolutionary (and that was good), this one is a real
> challenger, and this is good too.
> PS: and yes, thank you very much for prototyping.
> --
> Quim Gil
> Engineering Community Manager @ Wikimedia Foundation
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