Le 25/09/2014 02:12, Sumana Harihareswara a écrit :
> Stephan, thank you for speaking up. It's incredibly frustrating and
> demoralizing when you work really hard on a gift (all volunteer
> contributions are gifts) and you just hear nothing back, or maybe just
> criticism with not even a thank-you. I'm sorry that this happened to you,
> that out of dozens of comments, nearly none even explicitly acknowledged
> and appreciated your effort, and that you had long stretches where you were
> waiting for a response.
> It is absolutely your right to take a break from the frustrations of this
> project and especially from the abrasions of our code review process. I
> hope you come back, though, and I hope the Wikimedia technical community
> makes it appealing for you to come back.

The code review worked just fine on

I am the one that stuck a -2 on the patch #13 because it had a ton of
duplicate code, no test and a potentially nasty magic method (__call).

Since we disagreed, I asked for the issue to be raised on wikitech-l to
attract more folks which eventually led to the bad patch being abandoned
in favour of an earlier (and good) one.

Meanwhile, I agree we should be faster on reviewing code but it is not
that easy given the amount of patches being received, some proposing fix
for very nasty bugs in complicated code paths (which make those patches
even more awesome).

Anyway, thanks Stephan for the fix up :-]

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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