Hi, nice idea. I'm just wondering if this concept could be expanded to be
more explicitly inclusive of other kinds of activities like L&E, education,
GLAM, Legal, Comms, Research, affiliates, etc. I think that this could
increase participation.

On Aug 12, 2015 10:53 AM, "Rachel Farrand" <rfarr...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> We (Kevin Leduc, Megan Nestler and I) will be doing a second run of
> lightning talks <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_talk> on August
> 25. The first round had about 40 people viewing living bother remotely and
> in SF as well as another 45 views after the talks.
> ~ More logistic details/signups found in the email below ~
> These lightning talks are meant for anyone working on wikimedia tech and
> are not limited to WMF engineers. If you would like to do a lightning talk
> on any project you are working on please feel free to sign up. Make sure to
> include contact information (or email it to me) so that we (the lightning
> talk organizers) can coordinate with you. These lightning talks should be
> relevant to something related to our movement and will mostly be focused on
> tech related projects however it is not mandatory that they are related to
> tech.
> These talks will continue every month until there is no longer interest.
> A youtube stream will be sent out to this list just before the talks start
> so you can follow along, you can ask questions on IRC, and the talks will
> also be recorded so that you can watch them whenever you like.
> We will adapt this process as we go to make it as interesting and useful to
> everyone as we can.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kevin Leduc <ke...@wikimedia.org>
> Date: Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 6:26 PM
> Subject:
> To: wmf...@lists.wikimedia.org, Engineering list <
> engineer...@lists.wikimedia.org>
> Cc: Rachel Farrand <rfarr...@wikimedia.org>, Megan Neisler <
> mneis...@wikimedia.org>
> Hello!
> The next round of Lightning Talks are in two weeks. This effort will not
> work without your participation...
> Lightning Talks are an opportunity for teams @ WMF & in the Community to
> showcase a Quarterly Goal acheived, significant milestone, release, or
> anything of significance to the rest of the foundation and the movement as
> a whole. These talks will be open to our communities.
> Each presentation will be 10 minutes or less, the formal part should be not
> be longer than 5 minutes and the remainder can be used for questions.
> Too many questions to answer in the allotted time?  No worries, your
> lightning talk will be a great candidate for a future Tech Talk.
> Second Round of Lightning Talks:
> When: Tuesday August 25, 1800 UTC
> <
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Lightning+Talks+-+August&iso=20150825T18&p1=1440&ah=1
> >,
> 11am PDT
> Where: 5th Floor
> Remotees: On-Air google hangout will be provided just before the meeting
> IRC: #wikimedia-tech
> Sign up for a 10 minute slot here:
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Lightning_Talks
> With interest, this meeting will become a monthly event.
> Thanks!
> Kevin Leduc, Rachel Farrand, Megan Neisler
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> Wikitech-l mailing list
> Wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikitech-l
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