dinar qurbanov <qdi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i think i lose my individuality and that i have to make extra key
> presses to set extra spaces near brackets and commas. currently tests
> / automatical reviews show in gerrit that my commit has such errors.
> what if they are not (would not be? were not? ) blamed on commit
> (patch set) uploads, but only automatically prettified/standartised
> at/before actual commit/merge?

> and, by the way, i think, should not they even be saved as they are
> written and should not, instead, diff tools automatically standartise
> them before calculating difference?

How would it help the reviewer if they constantly need to
switch their mind from "prettified" code to "whatever" when
they review your code?

If you don't want to press the space bar, you can always in-
tegrate stylize
in your workflow or amend your editor to insert the spaces
when you type.


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