
I would like to remind that I made this guide some time ago:


It always quite sucked and still does, but I tried to slightly rewrite
it now, so it should contain more accurate information.

I would like to keep it as a super simple manual / cheat sheet for
git, that is as much clear and simple as possible.

If you ever struggled with git, maybe it could help you. If you are a
git expert you may want to contribute to it? The name of the guide may
not be a best choice, so I might eventually move it to [[Git for
dummies]] or something like that, so that it sounds a bit more

I don't know if we already have any super simple guide / cheat sheet
for git, where you could find everything essential on 1 page (and it
was a wiki page editable by everyone), but I think we don't. We might
use this as one?

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