This is great discussion and I would like others to benefit from it by
moving future conversation to the discussion page of the RFC.  For this
reason, I have double posted the below response there:

Thanks, Vituzzu! This is all great feedback and exactly what we are looking
to get from the RFC. To be clearer to others who may have missed it, the
RFC is a request for comments about this test feature, not a proposal to
roll-out the feature.

I appreciate your concern around redundancy.  I think that is one of the
biggest, most legitimate concerns about the feature (the other being how to
deal with bad results) and, honestly, one of the most obvious outcomes we
might have avoided had we started with a consultation rather than by
building.  As Jon R mentioned, there is some active discussion around how
we can improve on this and many of your comments fit well within that
scope.  As to better images, this is also something we are working on,
primarily here:

Despite not being perfect, we felt that related pages  add unique value on
top of the "see also section" because it offers the reader a limited
selection compared to see also and sits at the bottom of the page, where it
does not distract from the article, because a user reaching the bottom of
the page has finished reading the article and is theoretically looking for
more content.  Notably, we see that mobile users reach the bottom of the
article less frequently, but when they DO and they see related pages, they
are much happier to see it (as indicated by click-through).  It might be
that this feature is better suited to mobile.

As I wrote on the project page
I'd like to identify if the overlap with "See also" mean's you would rather
not have the feature or if we feel that there is still positive value.  We
are trying to identify the order of value here for our readers:

   - no related pages < related pages with no new features < related pages
   more customizable < related pages features better synchronized with/eaten
   by "see also"

(is the above order correct? I imagine that community members might want to
swap at least the first 2 with each other...but I don't know for sure)


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