On Monday, May 23, 2016, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With the disclaimer that I'm not a security engineer and that I understand
> only parts of this proposal, in general this strikes me as a good idea. It
> seems to me that trying to develop a comprehensive list of what tools /
> scripts this proposal would likely break, how important those breaks are,
> and who could fix them and when, would help with developing a roadmap
> toward implementing this proposal with appropriate mitigation and
> communication.

At this stage, im just not sure. Its certainly going to be a lot and its
going to especially hit the older scripts hard. (As far as tools - if you
mean tool labs, i dont expect that to be affected). We would have a better
handle of what will be affected once the report-only mode is implemented,
which would allow us to get a list of everything that will break.

That said, should the rfc get approved, i would definitely put together a
list of common examples/patterns that would break.

Keep in mind also, we dont have to do this all at once - if there is some
wiki which seems like it is going to be less affected then others, we can
do them first.

> It seems to me that this is the kind of project for which product
> liasons are well suited to help with developing and implementing a rollout
> plan. Is there any chance of getting a CL to help with this project?

Hmm. I have no idea. That's something I will have to discuss with them.

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