On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 5:57 PM, Jefsey <jef...@jefsey.com> wrote:
> At 02:44 02/08/2016, John wrote:
>> For mass imports, use importDump.php - see
>> <<http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Importing_XML_dumps>http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Importing_XML_dumps>
>> for details.
> Dear John,
> Thank you for your response.  But I am dump myself and I am still lost.
> I am not sure I made my need clear enough. I had wikis under MySQL I dumped
> in XML. So I have n XML files to create n separate SQLite wikis. One file
> one SQLite wiki (n is around 35).
> When I try to read with an XML viewer these files, they tell me that some
> character in line 295 or so is wrong and they cannot read it, so I do not
> really know how they are structured.
> Therefore, my question is about how to create the n SQLwikis I need and
> import in each the pages which are in XML dumped from MySQL.
> Also, further on, I understand that the manual is reporting about MySQL
> dumps, not about SQLite dumps? Does that mean that I should consider their
> backup with SQLite tools rathere than mediwiki tools? Hence my question
> about a mediawiki SQLite section/mailing list?
> Sorry I am pretty new to this and need to take care of a lot of small
> Libre/Citizen/locally oriented wikis, with more to come. So I try to figure
> out the best way to manage all this ....
> Thank you !
> jfc

Note, that there is an XML dump format used by MediaWiki, but there is
also an xml dump format used by mysqldump. Its unclear from your email
which one of those you have. The previous people in the thread are
assuming you're talking about a MediaWiki  xml dump file, but if you
are talking about a mysql XML dump file, things are probably going to
be much harder to convert to sqlite.


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